Monday, February 27, 2017

Eccentric hamstring/core work

Eccentric loading of the hamstrings has been shown to be extremely beneficial in the rehab process. Here is a variation using an ab wheel and a cable column to further load things up. 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Split Squat with Blood Flow Restriction

Split squats are a great way to build lower extremity strength and stability. Adding a step allows for greater depth to improve hip mobility and further load your wheels. BFR to improve your gainz without adding load. it also allows one to focus on form vs weight. Check out for more info

Kneeling Vertical Row Variation

Over here at SoulPT we like this kneeling pulldown variation which hammers on the anterior core limiting lumbar extension. It will help optimize lower trap vs lat recruitment.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Lateral Step Ups with Blood Flow Restriction

BFR or blood flow restriction is a tremendous way to build strength and hypertrophy without exposing yourself to extreme loads. At the most basic level, BFR works to keep anabolic hormones in the area longer for a superior response.
Video 1: Occlusion cuff pumped to 100mmhg. @modernmanualtherapy @motuspt
Video 2: Theraband at 7/10 perceived tightness. •Message or comment for more info on reps/sets/rest/weight to maximize your pump and improve your patients' rehab. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

5 Prone Row Variations for a Stronger Pull


Prone rows off of a bench are equal and opposite to performing a bench press.

They are a great way to crush the upper back without overloading your lower back.

The bench allows one to dissociate thoracic extension from lumbar extension by flexing your hips as seen in the video.  This is much harder to do in a traditional bent over row.

Put a bench on top of some plyo boxes to accommodate a full range of motion.

Get creative and vary depending on your goals or just to promote movement variability.


Barbell Prone Row - Allows one to go heavier - Exact opposite movement of a barbell bench press

Banded - Assisted Barbell Prone Row - Allows one to work the entire range of motion by accommodating the resistance where it is harder to pull.

Kettlebell / Dumbell - Just like other KB / DB exercises allows you to isolate one side to work on asymmetries and clean up movement inefficiencies.  We like to work up to a wider angle out to the side to eliminate the forward roll that can occur with too much shoulder extension

Holds - We like to utilize holds at the end of exercises to build endurance, time under tension and this can add a natural bloodflow restriction which can have hormonal benefits.  Isometrics in a rehab setting can also help modulate pain.

1 arm vs 2 arms - One arm rows require one to resist rotation which adds another core component to the exercise.  You could do one arm or do a static hold with the other arm - that allows for the benefits of a hold as well as the anti-rotation benefit of the one arm.

For more variations and or questions you may have visit and hit us up!


Andy, Matt and Angel

Monday, February 13, 2017

Bird Dog Variations

Bird Dogs which were popularized by the work of Stuart McGill are a staple in many rehab or training programs.  We utilize many different variations of the bird dog at Soul PT.  After watching Joel Seedman's variation with a row, we decided to show off some variations we do in our clinic and explain how we use them.


Bird dogs are great to teach trunk stability on a moving upper extremity, moving lower extremity or both.

A pre-requisite to performing a bird dog with ideal form is to learn the concept of a "neutralish" spine.  A neutral spine is neither arched nor rounded, or the midpoint right between the two.  By staying in this stacked or centrated position it should encourage more stability and position we would ideally be able to maintain during work, life and lifting.

Once one understands neutral spine, it's time to work on stabilizing that on a moving limb.  The traditional bird dog has one lift alternate arm and leg while on all fours, while maintaining a neutral spine.

Benefits of Bird Dogging - Hot Dog Hot Dog Hot Diggity Dog.

By removing a limb or limbs from the floor, it causes your body to resist rotation to maintain postural stability.

Due to the unstable nature of these movements, there is a need for continuous adjustment in order to execute them properly. This awareness will bombard your nervous system with a lot of information which can help modulate pain. It also improves lower back resiliency by grooving proper mechanics.

The next couple of videos, demonstrate different progressions to the regular Bird Dog exercise that you can implement in your weekly routine for a new challenge.

-Quadruped Shoulder Abduction
-Shoulder Abduction with Leg Extension
-Shoulder Abduction in Bear Holds (raise knees 2 inches of ground & hold)

-Vertical Row in Quadruped position
-Row in Bear hold (raise knees 2 inches of ground & hold)
-Bird Dog & Row

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Suspension Trainer Rotational Row

As a progression to the half kneeling rows and presses with rotation, utilizing a suspension trainer (thank you @modernmanualtherapy) can offer more of a stimulus for strength and stability gainz.

For more information go to:

Glute Med Wall Lean

Asymmetrical loading of either legs is often seen in individuals with unilateral back pain, which has the potential to inhibit stabilizer muscles.

Low back pain affect most of us at some point. Those of us who do are more likely to experience it again. For this reason learning what and how to load is key.

To get back into the grove of things single leg loading is a good staring point, especially graded from the ground up. Both in the rehab and performance scene this exercise can be used to increase Glute Medius strength and control.

To perform this exercise:
1)Start a foot distance from he wall.

2)Standing on one leg press the lateral side of the calve of the raised leg to the wall.

3)Slowly lean sideways towards the wall. You should feel the Glute med turn on. 

🔑Hold for a couple of slow and in control breaths.

For more Information visit: